Health and Safety Policy


This statement covers the activities of the Lincoln and District Sailing Association. (LDSA)

It is to be read in conjunction with the general statement of health and safety policy issued by Lincolnshire County Council (or a G.M. Schools own policy), the Education Department’s Health and Safety Policy and the Health and Safety Policy of Hykeham Sailing Club.

The LDSA recognizes the importance of safety, health and welfare in the successful operation of its activities. It believes in the active participation of every person within the organization, in order to achieve and maintain the highest practicable standards of accident prevention. Success relies on the initiative, teamwork and the cooperation of all the staff.

Appropriate health and safety standards will be applied to all activities and deviations from these will not be tolerated. Any uncertainty regarding health and safety is to be raised through normal channels and where necessary specialist advice and assistance will be obtained by the committee.


Malcolm Barrett

LDSA Principal

30 April 2023


The Committee is responsible for ensuring that:

2.1         A Health and Safety policy is prepared.

2.2        Staff functions are set.

2.3        Staff are aware of what is expected of them.

2.4        Staff are competent to meet these expectations.


The Principal is responsible to the Committee for ensuring that:

3.1         Hazards are identified and that the significant risks are assessed. Relevant health and safety legislation is identified.

3.2         Arrangements are made and implemented to control the significant risks and comply with the relevant Health and Safety legislation.

3.3         These arrangements are recorded in the Health and Safety Policy.

3.4         These arrangements are monitored to ensure they are working.

3.5         Staff are capable of dealing with the health and safety requirements of their work.  Any problems in achieving the intentions of the Schools Health and Safety policy or Hykeham S.C general statement of health and safety policy are reported to the Committee. Specialist help and assistance are obtained where necessary. The results of health and safety monitoring are reported to the Committee along with details of any major injuries to staff or pupils.


S.I.s are responsible to the Principal for:

4.1         Taking reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.

4.2         Co-operating with the Committee to implement the requirements of health and safety legislation and the LDSA’s Health and Safety Policy.

4.3         Using all equipment and substances in accordance with training and instructions received and following the system of work and procedures laid down in the LDSA ‘S Health and Safety Policy.

4.4         Not misusing anything provided in the interests of health and safety.

4.5         Reporting to the Principal or delegated officer any health and safety matter they cannot deal with themselves or any perceived shortcomings in the health and safety arrangements


A safety professional is available at County Offices in Lincoln telephone 01522 535298


General safe working practices and procedures 
Workplace - Health, safety and welfare 
Manual handling 
Personal protective equipment 
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 
Machinery and electrical equipment 
Fire precautions 
First aid arrangements 
Accident reporting 
Induction training

Staff are not to use chairs, boxes or similar items to reach items stored at a high level and must not climb up the face of cupboards or storage racks. Heavy objects should be stored at a low level to reduce the risk of injury from falling.

Special care should be taken when asking pupils to manoeuvre heavy objects. The member of staff should assess the risk in asking children to perform manual handling tasks. i.e. Rescue boats, Wayfarers etc.

Certain activities require their own written procedural policy and risk assessments. These are listed below. If carrying out any of the listed activities please refer to the procedural policy before carrying out such duties

•      Use of rescue boats


The Committee and Principal will review the LDSA in line with the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992.


The Principal will assess all manual handling operations (lifting & lowering loads, pushing. pulling, carrying. etc.). Suitable arrangements will be made to reduce the risk of injury as a result of manual handling operations.

Safe movement and handling of people e.g. sailors with physical disabilities, is also paramount. Additional aids and adaptive equipment such as hoists or sliding boards should be used to reduce the risk of injuries. As with all manual handling, this needs to be individually risk assessed in terms of the load, distance, environment, number of lifters, adaptive equipment etc. Where appropriate, informal/ formal training may be necessary to use specific equipment or techniques.


The LDSA will provide personal safety equipment. All safety equipment provided will be to the relevant safety standard. Instructions on the use, maintenance and cleaning of the equipment will be given to the staff:


The Principal will ensure that all work involving hazardous substances has been assessed. This assessment must be formally recorded where there is a significant risk to health. The Principal will ensure that the relevant safe systems of work, appropriate control measures and monitoring systems are in place and working. 
The Principal must ensure that sufficient information, instruction and training is provided to all persons handling hazardous substances.


The Principal will ensure that all work equipment purchased meets the relevant safety standard required and is suitable for the intended task. In addition sufficient instruction, information and training will be provided to all operators or equipment.

The Principal will ensure that all work equipment is maintained to prevent danger. All such maintenance inspections must be formally recorded.

Staff must ensure that all safety guarding is present serviceable and utilized when machinery is used.

Staff shall not attempt repairs to make modifications to machinery other than those normally associated with daily operations. Any defects or malfunctions must be immediately reported to the Principal.

Electrical equipment and systems are subject to the Electricity at Work Regulation 1989.

The Secretary is responsible for maintaining an up to date inventory of all portable electrical equipment.


Fire prevention is part of everyone’s duties. In particular attention should be paid to checking the premises before leaving at night to ensure nothing has been left which could lead to a fire developing whilst the premises are unoccupied.

The volume of combustible rubbish must be kept to a minimum an order to reduce the risk of fire. Arrangements must he made to have any large amounts of combustible rubbish removed from the site.

•      Fire Drill

Any person discovering a fire or suspected fire indicated by smoke or smell should, without delay sound an alarm and ring 999.

•      Procedure

On hearing the alarm, children should evacuate the building in an orderly manner using the outside doors children and staff should assemble on the foreshore. Only if a complete and safe evacuation has been made and then only if life is not endangered should the suppression of the fire be attempted. When the incident is confirmed as a genuine alarm, the Fire Brigade should be called by dialling 999 and as soon as practical the Local Education Authority informed


Staff should make themselves aware of the advice contained in Section 1 of the Health and Safety Manual particularly with reference to 7190 First Aid in Educational establishments. 
All Instructors and SI’s are required to be Trained First Aiders, failure to hold a current First Aid Certificate invalidates the holder’s qualification.



Treatment of injuries and wounds - The preferred treatment of all wounds and injuries is changing and staff should be aware of the need to ensure that the correct procedures are followed.

First Aid Boxes

The checking and replenishment of the boxes is the responsibility of the Committee but any member of staff should draw deficiencies to their attention.

As the vast majority of wounds treated will be minor grazes, these should be cleaned with a sterile tissue and a sterile dressing strip applied.

Minor accidents of this nature should be entered into the occurrence book.

Any accident above a minor graze or cut should be fully reported and an accident form completed and the casualty:

  • ·        Referred to the First Aider .
  • ·        The duty S. I.

Head Injuries

All head injuries must be reported to the S. I.

If a sailor receives a head injury where the duty LDSA SI feels that the sailor should seek medical advice, the sailor should not participate in any sailing activity for 7 days. If after medical advice the sailor is deemed to have concussion or needs to consult a medical professional within the 7 day period. The sailor is not permitted to participate in any sailing activity for 21 days from the consultation.

Where an injury or wound requires the attention of a doctor, it shall be the responsibility of the most senior member of staff of the school present to contact:

·        the casualty’s parents/guardians.

·        the Ambulance Service.


School staff must have to carry out reporting procedures as outlined in E 1190 of the Health and Safety Manual. Staff attention is drawn to the Emergency procedures document which forms part of their School Policy and gives advice on related matters.

First Aid materials are located in the Club House, Garage and in the rescue boat when deemed necessary.


All new members must be given a copy of the Health and Safety Policy. Their duties under the Policy must be discussed and understood. New members of staff should be made aware of any special responsibilities under the Health and Safety Policy.

The Principal is responsible for the induction training of new members of staff


Regular monitoring of these arrangements is the responsibility of the Committee. Regular monitoring of the safety within the establishment will be carried out by the Principal through the normal committee arrangements.

The Committee will carry out a safety inspection of the premises annually with a representative of the Hykeham S.C. The local arrangements will be reviewed annually taking into account the findings of any safety inspections and changes in Health and Safety legislation and amended where necessary.



It is illegal to maintain on the premises toxic or hazardous materials for which no adequate information exists in the establishment.


When moving boats trolleys will be used where possible. If being carried, ensure enough children are deployed according to strength and age, normally four to a mirror (Six juniors). Be aware of danger to feet and hands. Wayfarers and Rescue boats required a very large number of people. Boats should be tipped by lifting a gunwale not by pulling down on shrouds.

Safe movement and handling of people e.g. sailors with physical disabilities, is also paramount. Additional aids and adaptive equipment such as hoists or sliding boards should be used to reduce the risk of injuries. As with all manual handling this needs to be individually risk assessed in terms of the load, distance, environment, number of lifters, adaptive equipment etc. Where appropriate, informal/ formal training may be necessary to use specific equipment or techniques.


The maintenance of the club house is the responsibility of Hykeham S.C. However, members of the LDSA are reminded that it is their responsibility to assist in the maintenance of satisfactory conditions while using the premises.


Sailing will not take place unless the rescue boat is operational and properly equipped and manned.

Under our constitution an S.I. (or in exceptional cases an experienced DI approved by the committee) must be present on site.

Sailing instruction will take place following the RYA guidelines.

All pupils will wear lifejackets I buoyancy aids while on the foreshore and using the dinghies.

NO SWIMMING IS ALLOWED (Conditions of lease)

NO CANOEING IS ALLOWED (Conditions of lease)

It is the duty if the S.l. to decide on the suitability of the conditions given the experience of the group, weather etc.

It is the responsibility of Schools to make parents aware that the LEA designates sailing as a hazardous activity and to draw their attention to Weil’s Disease and the presence of blue green algae. Insurance of pupils is a parent’s responsibility. Staff are covered by the LEA for claims of negligence if teaching in an LEA establishment. GM schools should consult their own Head Teacher.


Refuelling must be carried out on the paved area in front of the garage to avoid fuel spillage within the craft.

No children may be used as crew member unless under instruction.

Emergency cut outs (kill cords) are to be used at all times.

Engines will be stopped and switched off when retrieving personnel from the water.



Use of tools etc. must be for the job intended and their use within the competence of the person using them. Special care must be taken when using fibre-glass, paint etc. Use only according to manufacturers’ instructions.



14.1 This document is reviewed annually. A summary of amendments is shown below


2009   Document Issued


2023   Section 6.8 First aid – Addition of specific instructions regarding head injuries

           Addition of amendment record

Published on Website

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